Applet Usage

Here is a demo movie showing the usage of the applet.

  • There are two parts: Drawing Area on the left and Drawing Tools on the right.
  • To create the initial graph click on "Initial Graph" radio button in the Drawing Tools.
  • Clicking on the vertex (circle marked 0) grabs it and you can place it on the drawing area by left clicking. Right click will release the vertex.
  • The succeeding vertices will have labels 1, 2, etc.
  • You can choose a different color for a vertex by clicking on the desired color on the color panel.
  • In order to add edges left click on the line segment below the vertex in the Drawing Tools. Left click on the desired vertex in the drawing area, add bends by left clicking, and a final left click on the final destination vertex.
  • If one of the graphs is to be drawn with bends have to have the vertices of the other graph already placed on the drawing area. Then an edge drawn with bends will automatically appear in the other graph.
  • Once the graphs are ready press "Triangulate" button on the Drawing Tools.
  • Once triangulated the steiner points/triangulation edges will appear on both of the graphs. In order to hide the triangulation edges and the steiner points uncheck the "Show Steiner Points" checkbox.
  • Press "Animate" button.
  • You can rewind/reverse-animate/pause/animate/fast-forward using the buttons in the "Animation" panel, shown in that order.
  • You can use combo box next to "Reset" button to change the algorithm used for morphing. "Final" will morph using our algorithm. "Linear" will do a linear morph. "Rigid" will do a combination of Rigid motion and linear morphing. "Convex" will do morphing based on convex representations.
  • Opacity on the top-right of the drawing tools determines the opacity rate.
  • Note: Current implementation assumes the outerfaces of the layouts to be convex and that the graph is biconnected.